Monday, August 13, 2018

Chicken Fried Rice... or is it?

Today was a long day and a Monday.... so enough said on that... :)

Anyways, I was on the hunt for something quick and easy. I was also looking for something low carb. I'm not normally one to preach low carbs, but I'm on the LAST WEEK of 80 DAY OBSESSION, which is peak week. has a special, yet optional, meal plan to help you really finish out strong and have awesome "After" pics. So I thought, what the heck, I've made it through this entire 80 day program, lets finish it with a bang. All that to say, this special plan doesn't allow for many carbs, and I had my carbs with breakfast. (oatmeal cookie shakeology!) So proteins and veggies for dinner...

Ok have I puzzled you enough? "but you said chicken fried RICE", "there's a picture of chicken fried RICE..." Yes, its chicken fried rice.... CAULIFLOWER RICE!

Now before you turn your nose up, its actually really good! I'm not going to sit here and tell you it tastes exactly like rice and you can't tell the difference, but it has a very similar texture and an equally delicious taste you won't mind eating it instead of rice!

Now before you go thinking I'm all "extra" by making my own cauliflower rice, that didn't happen tonight. You bet I cheated, and this stuff is awesome! It's by Bird's Eye and can be found in the  freezer section of the grocery store.  Cook as directed and set aside.

Ok, up next, the chicken.... you all remember the shake and bake chicken from last night??? Well guess who made an encore appearance, just in a different outfit? Yep, you betcha! I cut it into small pieces and it got thrown in the mix! If you don't have leftover chicken, that's ok. You can grill, bake, or pan saute some and chop it up. Rotisserie chicken works well in this too, or those Tyson Ready strips work!  Be creative!!!

To actually make the "chicken fried rice" the only other ingredients you will need is about a 1/2 tbsp-1 tbsp butter 2 eggs and a drizzle of soy sauce. 

1. Melt the butter in the pan.
2. Add chicken to warm (since it was cold from the fridge)
3. Once chicken is warm, Add in the cauliflower rice and stir together. 
4. Make a small circle/ open space in the middle and crack both eggs. 
5. Let the eggs cook for a minute and then I scramble them into the rice and chicken. I continue to mix and flip and scramble the eggs, rice and chicken together until you can see the eggs just barely browning. 
6. As you're mixing in the egg, drizzle just a little bit of soy sauce over the top for that asian restaurant taste! 
- Now if you don't like this method, you can always scramble the eggs and cook them first, and then chop them up and stir them in just like you did the chicken. It works both ways! 

And there you have it! Chicken fried cauliflower rice!!! Enjoy!

As Always please feel free to leave comments, questions, or pictures of your own creations below!
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